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Blepharoplasty: Who Is a Good Candidate?


If you are worried about changes in your eye area, you are not alone. The majority of people experience changes to their eyelids as they grow older, whether in the form of wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, or excessive puffiness. Luckily, there is a simple and effective surgery available, called blepharoplasty. Our experienced surgeons at Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, routinely perform this innovative procedure on a variety of patients.

But how do you know whether you’re a good candidate? Are there specific requirements? In short, the surgery is very safe, so most people who experience issues with their eyelids will be eligible, especially if they are in good health. Today, let’s examine who can benefit from this procedure and what you can expect from your treatment.

What is Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery can address several concerns related to the area around your eyes, including bags or dark circles, and wrinkles. It is usually performed under general anesthesia, but depending on the patient’s preferences, local anesthesia may be used. The surgery itself will take around 1-3 hours and involves making tiny incisions on either the upper or lower eyelid.

One of the main advantages of this treatment is that the creases of your eyelid will hide the marks of the incisions, so nobody will be able to tell that you have had surgery. Once you’ve undergone treatment, you will immediately benefit from a more wide-eyed and brighter look and reduced wrinkles or dark circles.

Types of Surgery

There are two types of surgery possible: on the upper or the lower eyelid. The former is best for people who suffer from impaired vision due to the eyelid, which can be a serious health concern. On the other hand, lower eyelid surgery is usually performed for cosmetic reasons, such as to reduce puffiness of the area under your eyes. During both types of surgery, your doctor may remove some tissue or fat in order to create the desired effect.

Who Is Eligible For Treatment?

Anyone who has either medical or cosmetic concerns about their eyelids could be a good candidate for this kind of surgery. Such issues can occur at any age, but they are most common after 35, which is when loss of elasticity in the skin becomes more noticeable. In certain cases, the lids droop so much that the patient’s vision is impaired, significantly affecting their day-to-day lives, and in other cases, patients simply desire a more youthful and awake look.

Before deciding whether you are a good fit for this kind of surgery, you will have an initial consultation with our staff to determine whether you’d be the ideal candidate. During this appointment, your general health, your concerns related to your eyelids, and your expectations of how the surgery will help you are discussed so that we decide whether this is the best option for you.

Your General Health

The most important consideration is your general health, so make sure to bring all of your medical records to your initial consultation. It’s important that your doctor has a good picture of your health, so that any complications can be ruled out. Specifically, people with medical conditions related to the eyes, such as glaucoma or retinal detachment, may not be eligible because a surgical procedure in the eye area could be too dangerous for them.

Another factor is your lifestyle and whether you smoke or not. In general, surgery is safer if you are a nonsmoker, so it may pay off to improve your lifestyle before undergoing this treatment. Not only does this help with the actual procedure, but it will also allow the results to last longer, so that you can benefit from your new and improved look for years to come.

Health Concerns Related To Your Eyelids

If your vision is impaired by your upper eyelid, blepharoplasty may be the only option to eliminate this problem and improve your quality of life. No matter how strong your contact lenses or glasses are, if your eyelids are covering your eyes, you still won’t be able to see very well. This can be dangerous, especially during activities such as driving, and the immediate improvement you’ll see with surgery makes this the best option for you.

The Condition Of Your Eyelids

Although vision problems only affect the most extreme cases, many people struggle with drooping or wrinkly eyelids. An extra fold of skin is common in this area as we age. This is because our bodies produce less collagen over time, so that the skin loses its elasticity and adopts a more wrinkled look that can make you appear tired, worn out, and older.

Another common problem is fat deposits around the eye area, which make them appear puffy and swollen. This, combined with dark circles under the eyes, can make you look more exhausted and stressed out than you actually are and detract from your natural beauty. With eyelid surgery, both the droopiness and the puffiness of the area can be addressed, so if you suffer from either of these issues, you may be the perfect candidate.

Your Expectations

At your initial consultation, your doctor will not only assess the state of your current health and eyelid area but also what your expectations are. The purpose of the surgery is to enhance the look of your face by restoring youthful smoothness and reducing puffiness where necessary. This can make a huge difference to your appearance, but it is no miracle cure and if your eyes are naturally asymmetrical, this will not change after the procedure.

What’s more, there are certain post-operative guidelines patients will have to follow after the surgery is complete. It is imperative that you rest the area and give it time to heal after the treatment. The surgery is very safe and you will see a difference very soon after the procedure, but you will have to give your body some time to adjust before resuming all of your normal activities. If you are happy to spend a few weeks resting, you’ll be deemed a good candidate.

What To Expect

Now that you know what we look for when determining whether you’re a good fit for blepharoplasty, you may be wondering what the procedure looks like and what you will need to do before, during, and after your treatment. Let’s examine how your procedure might work and what you will need to consider at each step.

Before The Treatment

If you think you could benefit from this treatment, contact your surgeon and schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case. You will speak about your general health, your issues related to the eyelid area, and your expectations of the surgery. Your doctor may also administer some tests to make sure that you are a good fit and eligible for the procedure, and give you a set of instructions to follow before the day of your surgery.

Remember that you can expect the best outcome when you are in good health, so maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, and consuming alcohol in moderation can all help to make the process go smoother and to ensure that your results stay intact for the long-term. Another way to make sure that everything goes according to plan is to prepare all of your post-operative medication and anything else you’ll need post-surgery beforehand.

During The Treatment

On the day of your appointment, your surgeon will first anesthetize you, then make some tiny incisions in your eyelid area to remove any unwanted skin, fat, and tissue. These incisions are very fine and will later be covered up by the fold of your eyelid, so nobody can tell that you’ve undergone surgery. The whole procedure is likely to take 1-3 hours, depending on how much of a change you need and how many incisions are necessary.

When you first wake up, you may have some blurry vision, but this is normal and will fade quickly. Because the incisions are so small, there are unlikely to be further complications and your skin can be treated with a simple antibiotic cream. You won’t need to spend the night at a hospital for this type of surgery. It can be performed at your local clinic or doctor’s office, so there is minimal hassle and you’ll be back in your own home the same day.

After The Treatment

Your doctor will give you some instructions you must follow after your treatment. The most important is the antibiotic cream that prevents the area from drying out and needs to be applied regularly for the first week. You will also be given a fluid that simulates teardrops, which you can insert into your eyes in case they start to feel too dry. To prevent this dryness from getting worse, it’s recommended that you avoid excessive screen time for a few days.

As a general rule, patients are encouraged to sleep in an upright position for the first days and avoid putting their head lower than their heart. You can also apply ice or a cold compress. After these initial days of rest, you will be able to slowly start to resume your daily routine, although it is recommended that you take 1-2 weeks off work and strenuous physical exercise to make sure you can heal properly.

Maintaining Your Results For The Long Term

Once your body has healed from the surgery, you’ll notice a massive difference in how your eye area looks. You’ll appear rejuvenated and refreshed, and look years younger than before the surgery. To make sure that these amazing effects last for a very long time, you’ll need to keep the area protected by wearing sunglasses, avoiding direct sunlight, and staying out of harsh winds.

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the results of the surgery should remain intact for the long term. However, it doesn’t prevent you from aging, so it’s important to have realistic expectations. If you undergo lower eyelid surgery, this usually needs to be performed only once in your lifetime, while upper eyelid surgery may have to be repeated every five to seven years.

Regain Your Youthful And Awake Look Now

Blepharoplasty could be the perfect solution for you if you suffer from drooping eyelids, dark circles and bags under your eyes, or puffiness in the general area. Although most people are eligible, your general health, the state of your eyelids, and your expectations of surgery will be taken into consideration.

To find out more and book your initial consultation, call Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, today. Our experienced team will answer all of your questions and help you to find the perfect eyelid treatment.

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