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Stem Cell Therapy

stem cell therapy

Are you becoming unsatisfied with the quality of your skin? Has pain or discomfort impacted your quality of life? One of the most versatile and innovative methods of repairing the body from the inside out is stem cell therapy. Perhaps one of the most natural treatments out there, this amazing aesthetic solution found within the body can promote youthful skin while alleviating joint or muscular discomfort.

Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami is your premier destination for advanced cosmetic solutions including stem cell therapy. Dr. Flores and his team are devoted to helping your aesthetic vision become reality, using breakthrough treatments that will create natural results and help you feel like the most incredible version of yourself. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about this minimally invasive revitalization experience!

About Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are created and found within the human body. Their primary function is to duplicate themselves to match the structure and functionality of other cells across the body. In doing so, stem cells work to heal damaged tissue and skin caused by an injury the body has endured. These unique cells are capable of:

Our Stem Cell Therapy Treatments

How many stem cell therapy sessions will I need?

During your consultation, one of our team members will discuss with you your medical history as well as your goals in mind for this revitalizing opportunity. From there, we will determine your candidacy for stem cell therapy and customize a treatment plan to help you achieve the best possible results. Since everyone is vastly unique in not only body chemistry but aesthetic goals, the amount of sessions you may need will be determined during your consultation. Additionally, results will vary from person to person.

Is stem cell therapy safe?

Yes! Since stem cells are acquired from you at the time of your appointment, there is virtually no risk of experiencing an allergic reaction or harsh side effects.

How much downtime is there?

Following your session, you will not be required to set aside any downtime for recovery. You can return to work and continue your regular activities once you leave from your appointment!

Who is an ideal candidate for stem cell therapy?

Virtually anyone looking to improve their skin quality as well as alleviate muscular or joint discomfort may consider this revolutionary treatment experience.

Are you interested in learning more about stem cell therapy? Contact us today to schedule your consultation. Our team would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

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