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Rhinoplasty FAQs: What Is the Right Age?

It’s common to feel embarrassed or upset about the shape and size of your nose. At Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, we can address your concerns by providing you with a rhinoplasty. During this cosmetic procedure, we will reshape your nose and improve the overall appearance of your face. This quick, easy procedure will permanently enhance the structure of this facial feature.

Rhinoplasty FAQs: What Is the Right Age for Getting a Nose Job?

The right age to receive a nose job will depend on the structure of your face, your health, and the specific goals that you would like to achieve during your rhinoplasty. In general, you will be able to receive a nose job after this facial feature has finished developing. If you are female, your nose is likely to finish growing when you are between the ages of 15 and 16. If you are male, your nose will probably reach its adult size when you are 16 or 17.

When you decide to improve your nose, you should set up an initial meeting at our office in Miami. During this appointment, we will assess the structure of your nose. We will also discuss the aspects of your nose that you would like to change during your procedure. For example, if you would like us to remove a bump on your nose, you should tell us about this goal. At this point, we will let you know if you are the right age to receive a nose job.

What Issues Can a Nose Job Address?

We can improve a wide variety of health problems and cosmetic issues during your nose job.

Addressing Your Cosmetic Issues

If you feel like your nose is too wide or large, we can correct these issues during your procedure. In addition, we might remove bumps or other irregularities from your nose. We can also improve the appearance of an overly arched nose. Further, it’s common to use this procedure to reshape the tip of your nose. These improvements will draw attention to your eyes and bring your nose into proportion with the rest of the features on your face.

Improving Your Health

In addition to achieving cosmetic goals, we can address many different health problems during your nasal procedure. For example, the structure of your nose could cause you to have breathing issues. These problems may make it difficult for you to play sports, exercise, and perform other activities. During your procedure, we can correct this issue by improving the condition of your nasal passages.

Further, you might experience health problems if you injure your nose in a car accident. We can use specialized techniques to rebuild your nose and correct these medical issues.

How Should I Prepare for Rhinoplasty?

We will provide you with a unique set of instructions that you should follow during the weeks before your nose job. Following all of these instructions will help your nose quickly recover from your procedure.

Adjusting Your Medications

Taking certain herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory medications, and other substances can impair your ability to recover from your nose job. To avoid these issues, you might have to stop taking certain types of medications and supplements for a few weeks. In addition, we may ask you to receive a blood test before your procedure.

Quitting Smoking

Smoking cigarettes will impair your nose’s ability to heal and make it more difficult for you to recover from your procedure. You can improve your wellbeing and shorten your recovery period by quitting smoking before you receive your nose job. In addition, you will need to refrain from smoking for several weeks during your recovery period.

Preparing for Your Recovery Period

If we instruct you to take prescription medication to take after your nose job is complete, you should make sure to pick up these medications at your local pharmacy. Further, you should set up a comfortable room in your home where you can rest during the start of your recovery period. Since you will not be able to drive after you receive your nasal procedure, you will need to arrange for a relative or friend to take you to your home.

It’s a good idea to have this person remain with you for the next 24 hours. Your relative or friend can prepare food for you and complete your household chores. This assistance will allow you to relax and focus on remaining comfortable as you adjust to your nasal procedure.

What Type of Anesthesia Will do I Receive During Rhinoplasty Surgery?

The type of anesthesia that you receive will depend on the complexity of your procedure, your preferences, your health, and other factors.

Receiving Local Anesthesia and Sedation

If you are making minor adjustments to your nose, we may provide you with sedation and local anesthesia at the beginning of your appointment. We will administer your local anesthesia by injecting a numbing medication into your nose. This medicine will prevent you from feeling discomfort during the rest of your procedure. In addition, we will use an intravenous line to provide you with a sedating medication.

Receiving General Anesthesia

If your nose job is more complex, we may advise you to receive general anesthesia. We may administer this medication by putting a small intravenous line in your hand. General anesthesia will cause you to be completely unconscious during your nose job.

What Techniques Can Be Used To Improve the Appearance of My Nose?

We perform two main types of nose jobs: a closed procedure and an open procedure.

Closed Procedures

During a closed procedure, we will make very small incisions in the interior of your nasal passages. Since we will not make any incisions on the outside of your nose, you will not develop visible scars after your procedure is complete. If you are interested in achieving minor or moderate changes in your nose, we may use this technique to achieve these objectives.

Open Procedures

If you receive an open procedure, we will make a very small incision on the underside of your nose. We will use this incision to visualize and access the structures inside of your nose. If we are going to make more dramatic improvements to this feature, we may use this technique during your nose job.

What Should I Expect During My Nose Job?

It will usually take about one to three hours to improve your nose.

Improving Your Nasal Structure

Once we have given you medication that will numb your tissues and allow you to relax, we will make very small incisions in your nose. These incisions will allow us to reshape the cartilage and bone in your nose.

Finishing Your Procedure

After the procedure is complete, we will apply a splint, bandages, or gauze onto your nose. These materials will help your tissues heal and stabilize your nose during your recovery period.

What Rules Should I Follow While I Am Recovering From Rhinoplasty Surgery?

You will need to change your exercise routine, adjust your diet, and follow other rules during your recovery period.

Changing Your Exercise Plans

You’ll need to refrain from going on a jog, taking an aerobic class, or doing other intense types of physical exercise for a while.

Adjusting Your Diet

We may ask you to eat fruits, vegetables, and other foods that contain high amounts of fiber for a couple of days. Eating sufficient amounts of fiber will improve your digestion and reduce your chance of developing constipation.

Taking Time Off

You will need to be prepared to take time off your duties at your job or at school. During your initial consultation, we can give you more details about the specific length of time that you should take off. For example, we may advise you to spend seven days resting at your home. If you have a physically challenging job, you might need to take a longer break from your work.

During this initial phase of your recovery period, we may prescribe an oral medication that will allow you to feel calm and comfortable. Further, we may instruct you to apply cold compresses onto your face.

Protecting Your Nose

While your nasal tissues are healing, we will probably advise you to avoid pulling shirts, sweaters, and other articles of clothing over your head. In addition, you will need to avoid blowing your nose and making exaggerated facial expressions that could disrupt the healing process.

Wearing glasses could put extra pressure on your nose and extend your recovery period. To avoid this issue, we will teach you how to use tape to hold up your glasses. During the next 12 months, you will also need to be prepared to use sunscreen, hats, and other techniques to protect your nose from strong sunlight.

How Long Will Rhinoplasty Last?

The results of many aesthetic treatments will only last for a brief period of time. For example, some facials will only improve your skin for a couple of weeks. In contrast, receiving a nose job will permanently change the appearance of your face. If we remove a bump on your nose, this improvement will last for the rest of your life.

You will not be required to maintain the changes in your nose by receiving aesthetic treatments or follow-up procedures. That said, you will need to understand that your nose, skin, and other features will continue to change as you age.

Will My Medical Insurance Pay for Me To Improve My Nose?

If you are receiving this procedure for cosmetic reasons, your health insurance probably will not cover the cost of your nose job. For example, your health insurance probably will not pay for you to remove a harmless hump on your nose or refine your nasal tip.

However, your insurance may pay for a functional rhinoplasty that is performed to correct a specific health problem. In particular, your insurance might pay for a nose job that is used to correct breathing problems. In addition, your insurance may cover the costs of a procedure that is designed to correct issues that developed after you were in an accident.

Reshape Your Nose

You can remove bumps on your nose, change the shape of this facial feature, and achieve many other cosmetic goals by receiving a rhinoplasty. In addition to improving the appearance of your nose, we can address breathing issues and other health problems during this procedure. To learn whether you are the right age to receive a nose job, you should contact us at Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL.

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