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Reshape Your Body With A Buttock Lift

The Buttock lift

A buttock lift is classified as cosmetic surgery to improve the look of the buttocks. This is often performed in conjunction with a lower body lift, a mommy makeover or a tummy tuck to contour not only the buttocks, but the abdomen, breasts and thighs as well. Although a buttock lift is unable to add additional volume to the derriere, the shape and size of the buttocks can be changed with the use of fat grafts or implants. During the procedure, the excess fat and skin are removed from the area. This enables the skin remaining to be repositioned by the surgeon to provide a much more toned appearance.

In most cases, the surgery is performed when the individual has a lot of hanging or loose skin on the back of their thighs and buttocks. The buttock lift can also improve the look of excess cellulite. The purpose of the surgery is to provide the individual with a more attractive look after their skin elasticity has been lost because of the aging process or the loss of a lot of weight. Small amounts of excess skin and fat can be removed during this procedure. It is important to note this surgery is not meant to eliminate a lot of fat. The weight of the individual should be stable and close to their optimal weight.

The Best Possible Candidates for a Buttock Lift

The best candidates for this procedure are at a stable weight they maintain through a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise and do not smoke. Realistic expectations and a positive outlook are also very important.

The majority of individuals are able to go back to work within a couple weeks unless a lot of sitting is required. Extended and strenuous activities are not recommended for a minimum of one month after the buttock lift. The incisions must not receive a lot of motion, abrasion or excessive force during the healing period. The specific guidelines are dependent on the recommendations of the surgeon, the health of the individual and the specific technique used during the surgery. In many cases, the individual chooses to have another procedure performed at the same time to enhance their results. This may include a body contouring procedure like liposuction, a breast lift, an arm or thigh lift or a tummy tuck.

Contact Us

If you are ready to achieve the improved body shape you desire, reach out to the professionals here at Flores Plastic Surgery located in Miami, Fl. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!

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