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Many men often find themselves feeling insecure about the size of their breast tissue. Studies have shown that approximately 40 to 60 percent of men suffer from a condition known as gynecomastia or male breast overdevelopment. This condition can cause men to feel self-conscious in various social settings and may cause them to feel limited in their wardrobe options.

At Flores Plastic Surgery, we offer male breast reduction procedures for men who are suffering from gynecomastia. This surgical procedure reduces the excess tissue in the breast area and allows men to feel comfortable and secure in their bodies. If you are interested in learning more about the male breast reduction treatments offered at Flores Plastic Surgery, contact our Miami office today to schedule your consultation!

What causes gynecomastia?

Men may experience an increase in their breast tissue due to a variety of reasons, including obesity, hormonal imbalances, some diseases, hereditary factors, and/or the use of some medications. Gynecomastia can affect men of all ages and can be found in both adolescents and adults. We typically recommend that adolescents wait until they are 18 years of age before having a male breast reduction procedure, but some exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.

What is male breast reduction?

This surgical procedure involves the removal of excess fatty tissue and breast tissue from the chest area for a firmer, more sculpted appearance. Our male breast reduction procedure involves a combination of liposuction to remove and reduce excess fatty tissue and surgical techniques to remove excess skin and other tissues. In some cases, only liposuction may be necessary, but most patients will require both liposuction and surgical removal of excess tissue. During your consultation, we will determine which course of treatment is right for you.

What is the recovery period?

The length of the recovery period can vary from patient to patient depending on the amount of correction performed. We recommend that our patients take at least seven to ten days away from work to allow their bodies to recover and begin healing. We may recommend that some patients wear a compression garment for the first several weeks following their procedure to ensure proper healing occurs.

Am I a candidate?

Men of all ages who are in good health and are insecure about the size of their breast area are potential candidates for this surgical procedure. During your initial consultation, we will review your general health, the severity of the gynecomastia, and discuss your goals for treatment to determine if you are a candidate for our male breast reduction procedures. We typically recommend that men who have experienced gynecomastia as a result of obesity lose some of the excess weight before they consider having a male breast reduction.

If you are suffering from gynecomastia and are interested in the male breast reduction treatments offered at Flores Plastic Surgery, contact our office in Miami today for more information or to schedule your consultation!

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