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IPL Photorejuvenation


Our daily activities can cause damage to our skin that prematurely ages us or gives our skin a rough texture and dull tone. At Flores Plastic Surgery, we are committed to helping you achieve a healthy, smoother, more youthful complexion. We offer Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photorejuvenation treatments that can help treat facial redness and unwanted pigmentation and correct the effects of sun damage and the natural aging process. Learn more about how our IPL treatments can help improve the quality of your skin today. Contact our office in Miami to schedule your consultation with a member of our expert staff!

What is IPL therapy?

This photorejuvenation therapy uses intense pulses of light energy to improve a variety of skin imperfections and conditions, including sun damage, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation. The heat generated by the light energy penetrates to the deeper levels of the skin tissue to stimulate collagen production for an improvement in the overall tone, texture, and quality of your skin.

IPL therapy can be used to treat many common skin imperfections, including:

What can I expect during a treatment session?

Depending on the area and condition being treated, our IPL treatment sessions typically last between 30 and 45 minutes. IPL treatments have no downtime associated with them and most of our patients return to their normal activities immediately after their treatment session.

Are there any potential side effects?

You may experience some minor redness and tenderness in the treated area, similar to a mild sunburn, immediately following your IPL treatment. These are temporary side effects that should subside within a few days of your treatment session.

Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime associated with our IPL photorejuvenation treatments. Patients who are treating pigmented lesions may experience some darkening of the treated areas before they peel or flake off. We recommend patients use additional sun protection if they plan to spend time exposed to the sun, as IPL treatments can increase your skin’s sensitivity.

How many treatments will I need?

We typically recommend a series of three to five treatment sessions scheduled approximately three to five weeks apart. The number of treatments needed to achieve optimal results can vary from patient to patient and some patients may require additional treatments sessions depending on their goals for treatment and their skin concerns. Individual results may vary.

Contact the aesthetic experts at Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami today to learn more about the benefits of IPL therapy. We look forward to assisting you!

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