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Laser Hair Removal

laser hair removal

If you’re ready to get rid of your razor for good, you may benefit from the laser hair removal treatments offered at Flores Plastic Surgery. This treatment can permanently reduce unwanted body hair and give you smoother, softer skin. Contact our Miami office today to learn more about our laser hair removal treatments or to schedule your consultation!

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal can help provide a long-lasting reduction in unwanted body hair by permanently destroying the root of the hair follicle and inhibiting its ability to produce further hair.

What areas can be treated?

Unwanted body hair can be removed from almost every area of the body. Some of the most common treatment areas include:

What should I do before my treatment session?

Prior to your laser hair removal treatment session, you should avoid excessive sun exposure and/or tanning, as this can results in pigmentation in the treated area. Waxing and tweezing should also be avoided for six weeks prior to your treatment session. We recommend patients shave with a fresh razor the day before your treatment session, which will make it easier for the lasers to locate the hair follicles in the targeted area.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed in order to achieve optimal results of our laser hair removal treatments may vary from patient to patient, depending on the area being treated, the thickness of the hair, and the patient’s desired results. Most of our patients typically require a series of four to six treatment sessions scheduled four to six weeks apart in order to experience the best results of laser hair removal treatments.

Am I a candidate?

Men and women who are interested in permanently reducing unwanted body hair are potential candidates for this treatment. Patients with dark, coarse hair can expect the best results from laser hair removal treatments. Patients with lighter colored hair, including gray, blonde, white, and red hair colors, are not candidates for our laser hair removal treatments due to the lack of melanin in the hair follicles. During your consultation, we will review your hair type and your goals for treatment to determine if laser hair removal is an option for you.

If you are interested in learning more about the laser hair removal treatments offered at Flores Plastic Surgery, contact our Miami office today to schedule your consultation!


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