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kybella for double chin treatment

Kybella – Double Chin Treatment

Are you unsatisfied by the appearance of stubborn fat under your chin that won’t respond to diet and exercise? Have you tried various methods to try and eliminate your stubborn double chin?
A gradual decrease in the elasticity of our skin is a natural process as we age. This can cause the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin folds. In many cases, the stubborn fat located under our chin begins to sag. This is oftentimes referred to as a double chin, or submental fullness, and can cause a great deal of concern. However, for this notoriously stubborn region that typically does not respond to exercise, there is now an effective treatment solution that does not require surgery with Kybella®.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an innovative and advanced injectable filler that is also a prescription double chin treatment approved by the FDA. This double chin injectable treatment can completely alter the appearance of your profile because it is the only filler that is proven effective at eliminating fat cells. Kybella is a reliable treatment option for tightening skin and also eliminating the existence of fat under the chin region. This solution is growing in popularity due to the fact that it is a successful remedy for eliminating stubborn fat cells in a safe and fast way.

How Does It Work?

During treatments, Kybella is softly injected into the treatment area under the chin.  The solution is composed of an active ingredient called synthetic deoxycholic acid. This is a natural occurring substance in the body that is responsible for processes involving the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the chin region, Kybella actively works to target and destroy fat cells  in the treatment area. The overall results provide a more structured looking chin with firmer skin. Once the injection destroys the fat cells, they are naturally metabolized and flushed from the body. Treatments are non-invasive, and results can be noticeable in the following weeks after treatment. Because it is a non-invasive procedure, there is no downtime required, so you can return to your daily routine. This revolutionary treatments can work to provide you with a more-defined and youthful appearance.

Who Is a Candidate?

If you feel self-conscious or unsatisfied with the appearance of fat or sagging skin under your chin, you could possibly be a candidate. If you feel as though the condition of your chin region causes you to appear older, you may also benefit from Kybella treatments. However, the best way to determine if you are s proper candidate is through a consultation with a medical professional. Reach out to our office here at Flores Cosmetic Surgery to learn more about our treatment options. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!

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