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How Many Sessions of Kybella Do You Need?

Double chins are not always a byproduct of being overweight. Sometimes, a double chin is a result of genetics, and other times, it occurs when your chin begins to sag as you age. Despite your age, genetic makeup, or body composition, chin fat does not usually respond to proper diet and exercise. At Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, we offer our patients Kybella treatments to safely and effectively eliminate fat cells in your chin.

How Many Kybella Sessions Do You Need?

Since everyone’s chin profile is different, there is no standard answer to how many sessions you will need. The effectiveness of your treatment will depend on your chin’s size, the amount of fat stored in the area, and the type of results you are looking to achieve. Treatments are spaced one month apart from each other, and you can receive up to six treatments.

With that being said, most of our patients require between two or four sessions on average to notice significant changes. Some patients are happy with just one treatment. Results are gradual, and it will take between four to six weeks to start seeing changes in your appearance. Many of our patients achieve optimal results within six months. Of all of the treatments that are designed to shape the area beneath your chin, this one is the easiest.

What Is It?

This treatment is an FDA-approved injectable filler that is designed to effectively reshape your double chin so you can achieve a slimmer appearance. The main ingredient of the filler is synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in your body that helps break down and absorb fat. Deoxycholic acid can break down dietary fat as well as targeted submental fat, which is the kind found in your chin area.

How Does Kybella Work?

Once the acid is gently injected into your chin area, it permanently destroys fat cells that are stored under your chin. Since deoxycholic acid can kill other cells during the process, it is essential to make sure that your treatments are administered by one of our trained healthcare professionals, so that other areas of your skin are not damaged in the process.

Benefits of Kybella

Compared to other treatments, this one provides our patients with many advantages, including a pain-free experience. Here are some of the most popular reasons why injectable treatments are becoming an increasingly popular remedy for submental fat:

Minimally Invasive

Traditionally, if you wanted to remove fat from your neck and chin area, you had to undergo a complicated plastic surgery procedure known as submental liposuction. With this procedure, you are put under a general anesthetic and receive small incisions where the fat cells are sucked out.

Afterward, you have to wear a dressing and watch for bleeding, infection, scarring, and more. With non-invasive alternatives, a single treatment can be performed using a simple injection that directly destroys fat cells in your chin region. This treatment is non-surgical and requires no sedation or incisions, so you won’t have to worry about scarring, expensive hospital bills, or even taking time off of work.


Submental liposuction sometimes requires a hospital visit where a plastic surgeon will perform the procedure in an operating room. Injectable treatments can be performed right in our office.

Typical liposuction surgeries can take up to an hour, while in-office injectable treatments can take between 15 to 20 minutes. If your lifestyle makes it challenging to set aside time for such a surgery, injectables may be a better option for you. This treatment is so simple that you could even schedule your appointment during a lunch break and return to work right after!

Little to No Downtime

With a surgical procedure, you can expect to be out of commission for at least a week, so your body can recover. You will also have to avoid bending, lifting, exercise, and any strenuous physical activities for a few weeks after your procedure. Even showering can be difficult while you’re recovering from submental liposuction.

A non-invasive alternative requires virtually no downtime, and you can return to your usual activities right away, eliminating your need to ask for help or rearrange your schedule. While you should still avoid vigorous exercise after treatment, it will only have to be for three to five days instead of several weeks, which means you can be back to the gym in no time.

Permanent Results

These treatments are designed to be long-lasting and permanent. Once you achieve your desired aesthetics, you should not require any further treatment, as the fat cells will be gone for good. Unlike other cosmetic treatments, you won’t have to come back in for touch-ups.

Look Young Again

One of the best byproducts of such injectables is that you will look and feel young again, thanks to a refreshed appearance. Double chins can make you look older than you are, so by having your jawline redefined, you will look more slender and enjoy more self-confidence about your appearance in pictures and in person.

Frequently Asked Questions

With so many aesthetic treatment options available today, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the many choices. Here are some insights to Kybella that can help you come to your final decision.

How Much Does It Cost?

The total cost of your treatment will depend on how many sessions you require. In-office injectables are a cost-effective option for many of our patients. During your initial consultation, we will be able to provide you with an estimated price based on your needs and aesthetic goals.

Can I Combine Kybella With Other Treatments?

Yes. Some patients achieve their desired results using only injectables, but other patients may need a combination of treatments to see improvements. If injectables alone don’t help you get the look you want, you can complement it with heat therapy, such as Ultherapy, which can also permanently destroys fat cells. You may also undergo this treatment even if you have already had dermal fillers such as Botox applied to your facial area.

How Is It Different Than Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-invasive skin-tightening treatment that uses heat energy to tighten loose or drooping skin. While this kind of treatment is effective on your chin and neck areas, it doesn’t destroy fat cells the way injectables do. Rather, it stimulates the growth of new collagen in your body to create a firmer and younger-looking appearance. If you are looking to tighten your skin in addition to reshaping your jawline, you may benefit from combining these two treatments for maximum results.

How Is It Different Than Botox?

Botox is designed to relax your facial muscles to smooth out any wrinkles. Although both of these products are injectable skin tightening treatments, Kybella targets fat cells instead of muscles. If you are looking to smooth out facial imperfections such as fine lines, crow’s feet, or wrinkles on your chin, you can opt to receive both treatments together for maximum results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

While this treatment is very effective, it may not be the right choice for everyone. You are a great candidate if you are over the age of 18 and have moderate submental fat in your upper neck. This treatment does not work on excess skin or loose folds on your neck. You should also explore conventional methods before considering injectable methods. Here are four signs that this treatment may be best for you:

Diet and Exercise Do Not Work

If you consistently eat well and exercise but are still bothered by your double chin’s appearance, this treatment may be suitable for you.

You Do Not Want to Undergo Surgery

If the thought of surgery scares you or doesn’t work with your lifestyle, this treatment is a great alternative.

You Have Good Skin

This treatment is most effective in patients with mild to moderate skin laxity. If your goal is to tighten your skin, you might be a better candidate for an alternative treatment, such as Ultherapy.

Your Weight Is Stable

You can achieve the best results when you stay within 10 to 15 pounds of your weight at the time of treatment. Although the fat cells in your neck will be permanently destroyed, nearby fat cells can become bigger and make your chin look like it is carrying extra weight.

How to Prepare

Unlike surgery, which requires extensive pre-treatment planning, you don’t need to do much to prepare for a non-invasive injectable. Before submental liposuction, you will have to avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight before the day of your procedure. You will also need to take prescribed antibiotics to help prevent infection.

When you are planning to undergo a Kybella treatment, all you have to do is avoid excess salt and any alcohol for 24 to 48 hours before your appointment. It is also advisable to wash your face before coming in and avoid taking any ibuprofen and acetaminophen. You may also consider scheduling your treatment when your schedule is clear of any major events.

What to Expect Post-Treatment

After treatment, you can apply an ice pack or Arnica gel to expedite the healing process. It is advisable to sleep with your head elevated for the next two to three nights, and you may opt to wear a scarf or turtle neck until your chin area if you don’t want anyone to know you’ve undergone a cosmetic treatment.

It is best to avoid massaging the treated area, and you should wear a tight wrap around your neck and chin area for a few days. You can shower, wash your face, and apply moisturizers and sunscreen as you usually would immediately after your appointment.

Eliminate Your Double Chin Now!

If you have been dieting and exercising to no avail, only to feel discouraged about the appearance of your jawline, you don’t have to avoid pictures anymore! Whether your double chin is caused by genetics or sagging skin, you can take steps to get rid of it within a few months. Dermal filler Injectables are convenient, easy, require no downtime, and produce long-lasting effects. As long as you have good skin, this treatment is sure to help you attain the appearance you want.

If you are always bothered by the fat under your chin, Kybella treatments may be the perfect option for you. If you want to look and feel young again without experiencing the hassle of surgery, contact Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, to schedule your initial appointment today. Our experienced team of plastic surgeons looks forward to helping you achieve all of your beauty goals.

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