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Does SculpSure Really Work?

You don’t have to live with stubborn fat, and you don’t have to let it stand between you and your ultimate goals. At Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, we have a solution that can target and treat stubborn fat cells so that your problem areas turn into your best features. We offer SculpSure, a laser treatment that effectively destroys fat cells in many different areas.

Does SculpSure Really Work?

Many people are skeptical of body-contouring treatments; that is, until they try them for themselves. Once they notice the results, they’re hooked, and word spreads like wildfire. Their friends and family members who were skeptical of this treatment see their amazing results and have to try it to themselves.

It’s a Proven Treatment

SculpSure isn’t just effective because people are talking about it; clinical studies have proven its efficacy. These studies reveal that after just one treatment, patients can reduce the total amount of stubborn fat in their treatment area by 24 percent. It works on many different body areas, including the arms, lower back, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and abdomen.

It can even treat that stubborn fat beneath the chin that gives you that dreaded double chin. Not only does it work to treat stubborn fat, but it has some added benefits. It stimulates collagen and elastin production, which are essential to beautiful skin.

How Does It Work?

This body contouring treatment uses the power of laser energy to treat and destroy stubborn fat cells. The laser targets the fat and sends heat energy beneath the skin’s surface, bypassing the surrounding tissue and leaving it unharmed. Fat cells don’t like heat because they can’t survive it. Once the laser destroys these fat cells, the body will remove them naturally over time.

What Happens During a Treatment?

When you arrive for your treatment, your technician will take some initial measurements and may make some marks on your skin to ensure accuracy and precision during treatment. This is a completely non-invasive treatment. It doesn’t require suctioning, incisions, or surgical measures. It involves the use of a machine that houses the laser technology.

The SculpSure machine has different tubes connected to it to treat different areas of the body. Your technician will use an external applicator to target your fat cells and pinpoint the laser to your area of concern. It may feel cool to the touch at first, but then you will feel the warmth and a tingling sensation as the treatment progresses. You will lie back and relax in a semi-reclined position during your session and can work on your phone or watch TV during the treatment.

A Painless Treatment

You won’t feel any pain, nor will you need any kind of anesthesia to make it through the treatment comfortably. This is one reason patients love this treatment so much; it’s fast and only lasts about 25 minutes, it’s easy, and it doesn’t cause any pain.

Choosing the Applicators

The applicators deliver the energy and begin the process that destroys your fat cells. All four applicators can be placed in your treatment area if it’s an area like the abdomen so that you get the best results. If you’re treating an area with two sides, we can place two applicators on each side of the area.

SculpSure FAQ’s

Is There Any Downtime?

One of the reasons that patients love this treatment so much is that there’s no downtime. You can schedule your appointment at a time that works best for you and can return home or to work when it’s complete, and even resume your normal exercise routine. We often encourage patients to exercise post-treatment to activate the lymphatic system, which is what your body uses to flush the dead fat cells.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The total number of treatments necessary to reach your ideal body image depends on your ultimate goals. If you have a small problem area that you want to treat, you may get your desired results from just one treatment.

If you want to treat more than one area or a larger area with stubborn fat, we may recommend two or three sessions to achieve optimal results. During your initial consultation, we can discuss your problem areas and help determine the best plan of action for your body and your needs.

How Long Does It Take To Notice Results?

The fat cells present at the time of your treatment will be dead by the end of your same treatment, but it does take the body time to remove these cells completely. Once these cells are gone, you’ll notice a change in your problem areas. Some people begin to see their bodies begin to change by six weeks post-treatment, but most see the best results at 12 weeks.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Once you experience a SculpSure treatment, your results will be permanent. The fat cells die, and the body will remove them permanently. They won’t return, but that doesn’t mean new fat cells won’t take their place. You can avoid this by eating a healthy diet and maintaining a consistent workout routine. Try to stay within five pounds of your goal weight for optimal results.

Who Is a Candidate?

Contrary to what some may think, body contouring treatments aren’t weight loss treatments. They are designed for people who need extra help getting rid of stubborn fat when their diet and their workouts just aren’t cutting it. Some factors will determine whether this treatment is right for you. If you fall into these categories, you can go into your initial consultation with confidence, knowing that you will soon reach all of your body goals.

Relatively Fit Individuals

You run, you workout, you take boot camp classes, and you may even do Cross Fit, but for some reason, you can’t get rid of your stubborn fat. If you’re a relatively fit individual who needs some help toning and tightening your problem areas, this treatment is for you. The ideal patients will have a body mass index of 30 or lower. This is not a treatment for those who want to lose a significant amount of weight or qualify as obese.

You Want To Reach Your Body Goals

Everyone has a body goal, but only a few people actually make that goal a reality. If you can’t reach your goals in the gym or your kitchen, we’ll help you reach them right here in our office. SculpSure helps you take control of your body and get rid of that stubborn fat for good.

No longer will you be limited by your stubborn fat, but you can reach all of your goals, wear the clothes you may have shoved to the back of your closet, and walk into any room with complete confidence.

You’re in Good Health

The best candidates for this treatment are in good health, don’t suffer from any underlying health conditions, and aren’t currently pregnant or nursing. Health is an important aspect to consider before undergoing any kind of treatment. During your initial consultation, we’ll review your health history to ensure that this treatment is a safe and appropriate option for you.

You Don’t Want To Commit to Invasive Treatments

If you don’t have the time in your schedule to undergo invasive treatments that require a lengthy recovery, discomfort, and downtime, you don’t have to. Thanks to this treatment, you can reach your goals in convenient, quick, and effective sessions.

You Want To Customize Your Treatments

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fat loss when you choose this treatment. We can customize it to your needs. Whether you want to focus on one treatment area or multiple, we’ll help you target as much or as little fat as you want.

You’re Willing To Be Patient

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to this treatment. You won’t notice immediate results, but you will get results. It will take time, but once your results appear, you’ll see how worth the wait they were. If you have an event that you want to prepare for, we recommend that you schedule this treatment a few months before, so you’ll look and feel your best by the time that day arrives.

You Have Realistic Expectations

The best candidates for this treatment have realistic expectations. They understand what SculpSure is capable of and what it’s not. This treatment will improve their appearance, it will significantly reduce the total amount of fat in their problem areas, but it won’t replicate surgery results.

You Just Want To Look Good

Body contouring treatments aren’t just for the vain. Everyone wants to look their best; the difference is, not everyone wants to put forth the effort to get there. We’ve taken the hard part out of the equation. All you have to do is show up, and we’ll take care of the rest. It really is that easy.

You’re Committed to Maintaining Your Results

This treatment isn’t a free pass to unhealthy living. You and you alone are responsible for maintaining your results. Knowing that going into your treatment will help you have realistic expectations. Most of our patients love their results so much that maintaining them is easy. Their new body motivates them to eat healthily, work harder in the gym, and live the healthiest lifestyle possible.

Invest in Yourself

How you look affects how you feel, and how you feel about yourself has multiple implications. It can affect your confidence, how you relate to and interact with others, and your interpersonal relationships. We want to help you look your best so that you can feel your best. Contact us today at Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, to schedule your initial consultation to see if this treatment is right for you.

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