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Dealing with Saggy Arm Skin? Consider an Arm Lift!

If you deal with arm flab, you know how embarrassing it is to wear sleeveless shirts. You try hard not to let your arm flab move around that much. This may cause you to make awkward movements. Or it may cause you to wear clothing with sleeves, even when it is hot outside. Many individuals who have lost a lot of weight deal with saggy arm skin. This can be really frustrating because it is so hard to stick with a diet and actually lose weight. Once you hit your goal, you want to feel great about the way you look. However, all that extra skin can cause you to feel like all the effort you made wasn’t even worth it. Thankfully, an arm lift is an option.

An arm lift can help an individual to get the body they dreamed about. It is a relatively simple surgical procedure that removes excess tissue, some fat, and extra skin from the upper arm. In addition to leaving a person feeling great about their appearance, the individual who went through the procedure will also love the way their clothes fit once the procedure is done. They will no longer feel embarrassed when they are wearing a sleeveless shirt. All of the arm flab will be gone.

The basic arm lift procedure is pretty simple. The length of the surgery is going to depend on how much skin you need removed and other factors. The exact details of the surgery vary from patient to patient.

You’re going to need to take some steps before the arm lift procedure in order to get the best results. This will include doing things like avoiding certain types of medication and quitting smoking. You will need to avoid certain types of medication in the days leading up to the procedure. Generally, the healthier you are when you go through a surgical procedure, the better results you are going to see.

It takes some time for your body to heal after the procedure. Most individuals are able to get back to some normal activities after about a week. However, they need to avoid doing things that will strain their arms. We will give you exact instructions regarding aftercare.

An arm lift is a great option for individuals who have lost a lot of weight and now have saggy arm skin. It’s also great for those dealing with saggy arms as a result of aging. It can help them to get the body they always wanted. To get started, book an appointment at Flores Plastic Surgery, located in Miami, FL. We would be more than happy to evaluate your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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