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Are You A Candidate For A Facelift In Miami?

Facelifts are no longer just for the rich and famous of Hollywood. Not even necessarily for the older aged. Many people opt for a facelift in Miami because they have lost a significant amount of weight. At Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL, we are committed to helping the world feel beautiful and confident one person at a time. Read on to find out if you are a good candidate for a facelift and how it can make you feel better about yourself.

What Is a Facelift?

A facelift is a procedure which can help a man or woman from any walk of life look and feel better. It is the standard for rejuvenating facial features and many treatments attempt to compare themselves to the procedure. They go by names such as “laser facelift,” “liquid facelift,” “suture facelift,” “lunchtime facelift” and more. However, only a rhytidectomy is a true facelift. It is a procedure which revitalizes your features and is often performed at the same time as filler injections if your face has lost volume due to aging. This will save you time and money as you only have to undergo anesthesia once.

What Does a Facelift in Miami Entail?

A facelift in Miami is a procedure which removes loose skin and tightens the remaining skin. It raises sagging tissues, eliminating marionette lines and nasolabial folds. It tightens the muscles and skin of the neck and defines the jawline. A professional may advise you to receive either a full facelift or a mini facelift. Whichever procedure meets your needs, know that it will be performed under general anesthesia, so you will not experience pain or discomfort.

Facelift in Miami Candidates

If you feel self-conscious about your face, neck, or jowls, you may wonder if you are a good candidate for a facelift in Miami. Good facelift candidates are men and women with an adequate amount of facial laxity. This may present itself as a loss of definition in the jaw, jowls, loose skin or excess fat in the neck, banding in the neck that causes muscles to be more visible, lines between the corners of the mouth and nose, or deep lines from the corner of the mouth to jaw. Here are a few signs you are a good candidate for a facelift:

Good candidates for a facelift in Miami should be aware of corrections that not addressed by the procedure. Excess fat and skin of the eyelids can be treated by an eyelift. Similarly, low eyebrows are often fixed through a brow lift.
To determine if you are a good candidate for a facelift, schedule a consultation with a professional. An expert will advise you about what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. It is essential that you have realistic expectations and follow all of your doctor’s instructions.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

If you would like to learn more about your candidacy for a facelift in Miami, contact the friendly professionals at Flores Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL today to schedule your initial consultation. We can’t wait to help guide you on this exciting journey of improving your self-confidence and living a happier life. Contact us today!

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